On Christianity Today and racism


This is a good statement from Christianity Today:

White Christians have a long and lamentable history of silence (or worse) when people of color are under attack. On the one hand, I sense today an authentic desire among white Christians to build bridges of relationship and reconciliation with their friends and neighbors of other ethnicities.

On the other hand, I sense a profound frustration among non- white Christian friends that their white brethren keep silent as the president aims ugly and demeaning statements at people of color. These friends don’t like what the silence of the white church is saying, and neither do we.

“So let us not be silent” the editorial adds, and it’s good to see Christians challenge each other over racism in the Trump era.

The one problem: While CT speaks of the need to speak up and stand along non-white Christians, this editorial never quite gets around to directly challenging the president on these grounds. It suggests that doing so would be a good thing, but it mostly talks around the thing it’s about.

So while Christianity Today’s editorial is a good start, it’s not quite enough. If you’ve decided that somebody should speak truth to an about the president, there’s a good chance that somebody should be you.

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